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Aggression prevention training for individuals with dementia and their caregivers: A randomized controlled trial

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Feb 07, 2020

Kunik ME, Stanley MA, Shrestha S, et al. - Researchers examined whether the development of aggressive behavior in individuals with dementia (IWD) could be prevented via implementing Aggression Prevention Training (APT), that is based on intervening in 3 contributors to development of aggression (IWD pain, IWD depression, and caregiver-IWD relationship problems). They conducted a randomized, controlled trial including 228 caregiver-IWD dyads who screened positive for IWD pain, IWD depression or caregiver-IWD relationship problems; these were randomized to APT or Enhanced Usual Primary Care (EU-PC). The groups did not differ in aggression incidence and secondary outcomes. However, in those screening positive for IWD depression or caregiver-IWD relationship problems, significant increases in depression and significant decreases in quality of the caregiver-IWD relationship were observed among those receiving EU-PC, whereas no changes in these outcomes over time were noted among those receiving APT. Given the cost to patients, family and society of behavioral problems in IWD, along with modest efficacy of most pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions, they suggest undertaking more study of novel preventive approaches.
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