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Age-related neuromuscular fatigue and recovery after cycling: Measurements in isometric and dynamic modes

Experimental Gerontology Mar 02, 2020

Krüger RL, et al. - In this study with ten young (27 ± 4 years) and ten old (74 ± 4 years) men, researchers assessed age-associated disparities in dynamic as well as isometric measures of fatigue in response to three cycling exercises. The participants were asked to perform exercises on different days, 30-s Wingate, 10-min at severe-intensity, and 90-min at moderate-intensity. After the Wingate and moderate-intensity tasks, no age-related differences were evident in the relative decrease of dynamic and isometric measures. Following the severe-intensity exercise, a greater reduction in maximal power, isometric force, and indices of peripheral function (eg, high-frequency doublet) was observed in young vs older people. Slower recovery of power and torque from 1 to 8 min and at 4 min, respectively, was reported as the only age-associated difference in the recovery of NM fatigue in younger males following the Wingate. Fatiguing exercise intensity and duration as well as the fatigue evaluation mode were the factors on which age-related fatigue and recovery depended. This work affords new data on age-associated neuromuscular fatigue responses to multi-joint dynamic exercises carried out at different intensities and durations.
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