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Age related functional decline following total knee arthroplasty: Risk adjustment is mandatory

Journal of Arthroplasty Sep 27, 2018

Pitta M, et al. - Researchers assessed if advanced age had any impact on lower patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) scores. They evaluated all patients 50-90 years of age who underwent unilateral or simultaneous bilateral primary TKA between 2007 and 2011 with a primary diagnosis of osteoarthritis, taken from their hospital’s TKA registry. An age-related decline in Knee Injury & Arthritis Outcomes Score (KOOS) Pain, KOOS Symptom, KOOS ADL, and LEAS scores were noted. Findings suggested the best fitting spline knots to be at 68 (KOOS Pain, KOOS ADL, and LEAS) and 70 years (KOOS Symptoms) respectively. Irrespective of the quality of the TKA surgery, there is a critical age when functional decline begins. Patient expectations after TKA based on age will be accurately guided with the help of the results.

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