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Aflibercept and navigated vs conventional laser in diabetic macular oedema: A 12-month randomized clinical trial

Acta Ophthalmologica Oct 21, 2019

Blindbæk SL, et al. - In this 12-month randomized clinical trial, researchers investigated the effectiveness of intravitreal aflibercept and navigated laser as compared with intravitreal aflibercept and conventional laser in diabetic macular oedema (DME; a leading cause of visual impairment in the working-aged population in developed countries) treatment. For this investigation, 48 eyes of 37 individuals with centre-involved DME at Odense University Hospital were randomized 1:1 to get three monthly injections of aflibercept followed by navigated (group A) or conventional (group B) focal/grid laser. Data reported that 60.5% of patients required additional injections without differences between groups A and B in the pro re nata phase. Findings revealed that there was no difference in the need for retreatment between treatment arms of aflibercept and navigated compared with conventional laser.
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