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Adverse reactions to 1% cyclopentolate eye drops in children: An analysis using logistic regression models

Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics Dec 15, 2020

Imai T, Hasebe S, Furuse T, et al. - Researchers conducted this prospective, observational study to determine the frequency, symptoms and risk factors for adverse reactions to two‐times instillation of 1% cyclopentolate in children. The sample consisted of 646 patients who had cycloplegic refraction with cyclopentolate (mean age; 7.0 ± 3.5 years, age range; 0–15 years). Data reported that the overall frequency of adverse reactions was 18.3% (118/646 patients). Conjunctival injection, drowsiness and facial flush (observed mostly in children younger than 4 years) were the main symptoms. Adverse reactions to 1% cyclopentolate eye drops were more common than previously expected but were all mild and transient. The likelihood of each symptom was correlated with a clear age‐specific pattern.

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