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Adverse perinatal outcomes are associated with severe maternal morbidity and mortality: Evidence from a national multicentre cross-sectional study

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Dec 14, 2018

Zanardi DM, et al. - Researchers performed a cross-sectional study in 27 Brazilian referral centers from July, 2009 to June, 2010, to estimate the association between maternal potentially life-threatening conditions (PLTC), maternal near miss (MNM), and maternal death (MD) with perinatal outcomes. They identified 714 cases of adverse perinatal outcomes among 8271 cases of severe maternal morbidity. MNM and MD had advanced maternal age, low level of schooling, multiparity, lack of prenatal care, delays in care, preterm birth, and adverse perinatal outcomes more commonly. Both MNM and MD were associated with Apgar score (2.39; 1.68–3.39); the most prevalent characteristic associated with fetal death and any adverse perinatal outcome was maternal hemorrhage; while neonatal death was more related to clinical/surgical conditions. Findings thus confirm that MNM and MD are associated with adverse perinatal outcomes.
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