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Advanced meta-analyses comparing the three surgical techniques total disc replacement, anterior stand-alone fusion and circumferential fusion regarding pain, function and complications up to 3 years to treat lumbar degenerative disc disease

European Spine Journal Apr 14, 2021

Lang SAJ, Bohn T, Barleben L, et al. - The meta-analyses were conducted to find the most appropriate surgical technique treating lumbar degenerative disc disease (DDD). Researchers pairwise meta-analytically compared surgical techniques total disc replacement (TDR) anterior lumbar interbody fusion and circumferential fusion. Primary endpoints included pain measured by the Visual Analogue Scale and function measured by the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). The mean number of complications per case (MNOC) at surgery and follow-up and the overall MNOC were considered as secondary endpoints. It has been reported that TDR is the most appropriate surgical technique treating DDD, followed by the anterior lumbar interbody fusion in this meta-analyses. Future trials with a longer follow-up are required using the same methodical approach to strengthen the Visual Analogue Scale and ODI results and to explain the discrepant result to complications.

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