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Advanced age is not a barrier to total knee arthroplasty: A detailed analysis of outcomes and complications in an elderly cohort compared to average age TKA patients

Journal of Arthroplasty May 15, 2019

Klasan A, et al. - Researchers examined a cohort of 644 patients aged over 80 undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for patient and implant survivorship, complication and revision rates, and patient reported outcomes (PROMS). In addition, they compared this cohort to a propensity matched cohort of patients of average age within their database for TKA. Both groups had low revision rate with similar implant survivorship and surgical complications. The elderly had a higher mortality rate and general complication rate but 4% lower PROMS at final follow-up. Findings thereby support the safety of performing TKA in the elderly. Among these patients, similar outcome can be expected to patients of average age with measures minimizing the perioperative complications and blood loss.
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