Adult minimal-change disease: Observational data from a UK centre on patient characteristics, therapies, and outcomes
BMC Nephrology Aug 22, 2018
Fenton A, et al. - In this observational cohort study, researchers analyzed retrospectively-collected data for all patients who had a renal biopsy reported as minimal change disease (MCD) between 1996 and 2012 at their centre in order to study the presenting characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of adult patients with MCD. They noted that remission was achieved by nearly all adults with MCD. However, they commonly reported relapses and disease- and therapy-related complications. The risk of relapse was observed in relation to estimated glomerular filtration rate and gender. An additional immunosuppressive agent, most commonly calcineurin inhibitors, was needed on top of glucocorticoids in nearly half of the cohort.
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