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Adjuvant combined-modality therapy for stage IIIC endometrioid and non-endometrioid endometrial cancer

Gynecologic Oncology Jun 26, 2019

Chapman BV, et al. - Through a study of 249 retrospectively identified women with FIGO 2009 stage IIIC endometrial cancer who underwent surgical staging from 1985 to 2015 followed by external beam radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (CT), or a combination of CT + RT, researchers assessed the ideal adjuvant treatment regimen for patients with endometrioid and non-endometrioid node-positive endometrial cancer. Treatment with concurrent chemoradiotherapy with additional sequential chemotherapy afterwards amongst patients with non-endometrioid tumors exhibited greater 5-year DSS rates vs concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone. Fourteen percent of patients who received pelvic-only RT or CT alone experienced recurrences in the paraaortic nodes, however, no paraaortic nodal failure following extended-field RT was noted. For patients with all subtypes of node-positive endometrial cancer, excellent outcomes resulted from combined-modality therapy that included adjuvant external beam pelvic radiotherapy. Further, women with non-endometrioid endometrial cancer had the most marked DSS benefit from adjuvant chemoradiotherapy.

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