Adjustment of target weight based on absolute blood volume reduces the frequency of intradialytic morbid events
Hemodialysis International Apr 11, 2018
Kron S, et al. - Researchers recently developed a feasible method to determine absolute blood volume (Vs, in mL/kg) in patients on hemodialysis (HD). In this current study, they determined the suitability of Vs measurements for volume management. In a single specified HD session during which Vs was measured using dialysate dilution, volume overload (Vo, L) was measured using bioimpedance spectroscopy, and the occurrence of intradialytic morbid events (IME) was recorded and volume status was determined. Adjustment of target weight was done and during 4 weeks of follow-up, the frequency of IME was recorded. Compared with stable patients, 33% patients who experienced IME during volume assessment had significantly lower Vs and Vo. It was noted that for attenuating the frequency of IME, adjustment of target weight based on information of Vs, Vo, and IME appeared as a feasible approach.
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