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Adjustable continence therapy (ProACT) for the treatment of male stress urinary incontinence: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Neurourology and Urodynamics Aug 28, 2019

Larson T, et al. - Included studies (n = 19; 1,264 patients) with adult male patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) were systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed by the researchers in order to assess the efficiency of adjustable balloon devices or adjustable continence therapy (ProACT) in the treatment for male SUI and to examine the safety profile and rates of adverse events related to the implantation of adjustable balloon devices. ProACT implantation led to an incontinence quality of life (QOL) improvement of 30.8 points from baseline. Patients on average were using 4.0 pads per day (PPD), which was decreased to an average of 1.1 PPD following ProACT implantation, at baseline. The number of patients that were acknowledged “dry” and the number of patients who were observed to be either “dry” or improved greater than 50% were 60.2% and 81.9%, respectively. In conclusion, for the treatment of male SUI, the implantation of adjustable balloon devices is efficient and safe. Provided the minimal invasiveness of the therapy, in nonirradiated patients with SUI who are not ideal candidates for the artificial urinary sphincter, adjustable balloon devices may be a serious option as a first-line treatment.
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