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Adiposity and physical activity as risk factors for developing psoriatic arthritis. Longitudinal data from the HUNT study

Arthritis Care & Research Dec 19, 2019

Thomsen RS, et al. - Via involving 36,626 women and men from the Norwegian HUNT Study without diagnosed psoriatic arthritis (PsA) at baseline in 1995-97, experts aspired to explore if adiposity and body fat distribution can be related to the risk of developing PsA and if physical activity could modify the possible risk. One hundred eighty-five new cases of PsA were reported during follow-up. One standard deviation increases in BMI (4.2 and 3.5 kg/m2 for women and men) and waist circumference (10.8 and 8.6 cm) were linked to hazard ratios (HRs) of 1.40 and 1.48, respectively. Compared with normal-weight people, obese individuals had a HR of 2.46 and overweight 1.41. Findings suggested an association of adiposity, and especially central obesity, with increased risk of incident PsA. While physical activity did not have a direct influencing effect, high levels of physical activity decreased the risk of PsA regardless of BMI.
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