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Adipose tissue insulin resistance in youth on the spectrum from normal weight to obese and from normal glucose tolerance to impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes

Diabetes Care Nov 23, 2018

Kim JY, et al. - In this investigation, researchers studied the adipose insulin resistance index (Adipose-IR) in youth people across the adiposity spectrum from normal weight to obesity and from normal glucose tolerance (NGT) to impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to type 2 diabetes. In addition, they analyzed the relationship between Adipose-IR and physical and metabolic characteristics and the predictive power of Adipose-IR to determine dysglycemia in young people. Glucose, insulin, free fatty acid [FFA], Adipose-IR, body composition, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), leptin and adiponectin were evaluated for a total of 205 young people. Adipose-IR correlated positively with total body and visceral adiposity, fasting glucose, HOMA-IR and leptin and adiponectin negatively. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis resulted in an optimal cutoff for Adipose-IR of 9.3 μU/mL for the determination of dysglycemia with a predictive power of 80%. Adipose-IR is a simple substitute estimate that reflects pathophysiological changes in the insulin sensitivity of adipose tissue in young people with progressive deterioration from normal weight to obesity and from NGT to IGT to type 2 diabetes. Adipose-IR can be used in large-scale epidemiological/observational studies of the natural history of diabetes type 2 in young people and its progression or reversal by means of intervention strategies.
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