Added value of chromosomal microarray analysis over conventional karyotyping in stillbirth work-up: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology May 10, 2019
Martinez-Portilla RJ, et al. - Researchers compared chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) with conventional karyotyping for their added value in assessing the genetic causes in stillbirth. Searching PubMed, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science databases, The Cochrane Library and the PROSPERO register of systematic reviews systematically, they included seven studies involving 903 stillborn fetuses which had normal karyotype in the meta-analysis. Outcomes revealed improvement in both the test success rate and the detection of genetic anomalies with the incorporation of CMA into the stillbirth work-up compared to the incorporation of conventional karyotyping. For the purpose of counseling regarding future pregnancies, a genetic diagnosis in stillbirth is particularly relevant.
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