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Acute pulmonary embolism in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: Frequency, hospital outcomes and recurrence

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Feb 26, 2020

Seckin ZI, et al. - Researchers sought to determine how obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) influences the risk of acute pulmonary embolism (PE), hospital outcomes including mortality, and PE recurrence. They retrospectively assessed 25,038 patients who were admitted to Mayo Clinic Hospital in Rochester, MN within a 5-year period (2009-2013). Although OSA significantly increases risk of acute PE occurrence and recurrences, related hospital mortality was not greater in OSA patients compared with those without OSA. OSA therapy might have a modifying effect on PE recurrence. Among these patients, 3,184 (13%) had OSA and 283 (1.1%) experienced PE. Patients with and without OSA had PE prevalence of 2.4% vs 0.9%. Despite a significantly increases risk of acute PE occurrence and recurrences, OSA patients exhibited no greater related hospital mortality compared with those without OSA. A possible modifying effect of OSA therapy on PE recurrence was suggested.
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