Acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients who underwent percutaneous kidney biopsy for histological diagnosis of their renal disease
BMC Nephrology Aug 21, 2019
Konigsfeld HP, Viana TG, Pereira SC, et al. - Researchers focused on acute kidney injury (AKI) diagnosed using the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria among patients admitted to the nephrology ward of a tertiary hospital who underwent percutaneous kidney biopsy. This study included 223 patients, among those, AKI development was reported in 140 (62.8%). According to the findings, AKI highly prevailed among hospitalized patients who underwent kidney biopsy to examine their renal disease, especially glomerulonephritis. Lower risk of AKI was reported in relation to higher levels of hemoglobin and serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
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