Acute kidney injury in heart failure: A population study
ESC Heart Failure Feb 21, 2020
Holgado JL, Lopez C, Fernandez A, et al. - Researchers utilized real-world data in this study to evaluate the prognostic significance of acute kidney injury (AKI) in the evolution of patients with heart failure (HF). Participants (n = 30,529) had HF and renal function measured during the study span. An average follow-up of 3.2 years revealed the occurrence of 5,294 AKI episodes in 3,970 patients (13.0%) and incidence of 3.3/100 HF patients/year. In 3,161 (10.4%), 537 (1.8%), and 272 (0.9%), experts recorded one episode, two, and three or more episodes, respectively. These were more common in women having diabetes and hypertension. A rise in incidence was noted across the glomerular filtration rate levels. The risk of hospitalization was increased by the number of AKI episodes and severity. Overall 10,560 deaths were documented. The mortality risk was increased by the number of episodes and severity. Worse prognostic significance of sudden renal function deterioration in HF patients was shown in this study. This work unveiled those with more future risk who need a review of treatment and closer follow-up.
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