Acute kidney injury in 3,182 patients admitted with COVID-19: A single center retrospective case-control study
Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 02, 2021
Procaccini FL, Arroyo RA, Ramón MA, et al. - Researchers sought to report on AKI incidence during the first 45 days of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic in Spain, its reversibility and the association with mortality. In this observational retrospective case-control study, they observed AKI incidence of 17.22% among 3,182 admitted COVID-19 patients and acute kidney disease (AKD) incidence of 6.82% were reported. Overall, there was frequent occurrence of AKI in COVID-19 patients; AKI was correlated with mortality, independently from acute respiratory distress syndrome. In addition, AKD was observed frequently and adequate follow-up is advised.
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