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Acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapy in critically ill COVID-19 patients: Risk factors and outcomes: A single-center experience in Brazil

Blood Purification Dec 24, 2020

Doher MP, Torres de Carvalho FR, Scherer PF, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort analysis to determine the incidence, risk factors, associations, as well as results of acute kidney injury (AKI) and renal replacement therapy (RRT) among critically ill patients suffering from COVID-19. Participants were adult patients with COVID-19 diagnosis who were admitted to the intensive care unit between March 2020 and May 2020. The development of AKI occurred in 101 (50.2%) patients (72% on the first day of invasive mechanical ventilation [IMV]), and RRT was needed in 34 (17%) patients. Higher baseline Cr, diuretic use, and IMV were reported as the risk factors for AKI. An elevated C-reactive protein concentration was identified as an additional risk factor for RRT. Overall, findings showed that among critically ill COVID-19 patients, the development of AKI was common and was shown to happen early in association with IMV. RRT was received by one in 6 AKI patients and death in hospital occurred in 1 in 3 patients who received RRT. These data offer essential prognostic information for clinicians caring for these patients.

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