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Acute kidney injury and progressive diabetic kidney disease: An epidemiological perspective

International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease Feb 12, 2021

Prabhu RA, Shenoy SV, Nagaraju SP, et al. - Researchers performed this retrospective open cohort study to investigate risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) as well as the impact of AKI on disease advancement in a homogeneous population of patients suffering from diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Cases with a minimum observation span of 2 years were involved. Overall, 292 eligible DKD patients with a follow-up of 29.57 (± 4.3) months were analyzed. An incidence of 31.1% was reported for AKI. Overall, findings showed that DKD patients commonly developed AKI and the most common etiology was sepsis. A faster reduction in estimated glomerular filtration rate was observed in relation to AKI in diabetic kidney disease. An independent risk factor for AKI was baseline proteinuria.

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