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Acute kidney disease and acute kidney injury biomarkers in coronary care unit patients

BMC Nephrology Jun 08, 2020

Chen YT, Jenq CC, Hsu CK, et al. - Researchers examined whether acute kidney disease (AKD) in coronary care unit (CCU) patients could be predicted using acute kidney injury (AKI) biomarkers. Among a total of 269 enrolled patients (mean age: 64 years; 202 (75%) men and 67 (25%) women) who were admitted to the CCU, overall hospital mortality rate of 4.8% was reported. AKD occurrence was reported in 128 (47.6%) patients. The overall 5-year survival rate of 81.8% (220/269) was reported. Outcomes support the predictive value of AKI biomarkers for AKD in CCU patients. They observed independent association of age, hemoglobin, ejection fraction and serum IL-18 with developing AKD in CCU patients, and predictive value of urine NGAL, body weight and hemoglobin level for 5-year survival in these patients.

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