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Acute continuous moderate-intensity exercise, but not low-volume high-intensity interval exercise, attenuates postprandial suppression of circulating osteocalcin in young overweight and obese adults

Osteoporosis International Oct 13, 2018

Parker L, et al. - Given that acute exercise briefly increases bone remodeling markers (BRMs), including osteocalcin (tOC) and the undercarboxylated form of osteocalcin (ucOC) (a hormone that is implicated in glucose regulation), experts evaluated how acute exercise and exercise-intensity influences postprandial levels of tOC and ucOC. Participants were 27 overweight or obese adults who were randomized to perform a single session of low-volume high-intensity interval exercise or continuous moderate-intensity exercise 1 hour after eating a standard breakfast. The postprandial-induced suppression of tOC and ucOC are reduced by the acute continuous moderate-intensity exercise, but not low-volume high-intensity interval exercise. Findings suggested the efficacy of continuous moderate-intensity exercise in overweight/obese adults to control the circulating levels of BRMs after meal consumption.

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