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Acute arterial cardiovascular events risk in patients with primary membranous nephropathy

Internal Medicine Journal Jul 18, 2019

Alawami M, et al. - A review of the data of 204 subjects who had biopsy-proven primary membranous nephropathy (MN) between 2003 and 2013 was carried out by the researchers in order to determine the risk of venous thromboembolism (a well-established risk in patients with primary MN due to lack of natural anti-coagulants) in primary MN subjects. The cardiovascular (CV) events, including acute coronary syndromes and strokes, were ascertained and incorporated only if occurred following the diagnosis of the nephropathy. During the follow-up, 31 subjects developed CV events. Within 1 year of MN diagnosis, 28% of total events occurred. About 42% and 60% of those who developed CV events were not on anti-thrombotic drugs and were not on statin therapy, respectively. In this group, male gender, age, diabetes and absence of statin therapy were correlated with greater rates of CV events. Hence, in subjects with primary MN, an elevated risk of arterial events was noted which was biggest in the first year of diagnosis. Moreover, particularly during the initial phase of the disease, the risk should be reflected in this group of subjects and anti-platelets and statin therapy should be acknowledged.
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