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ActivPAL and ActiGraph assessed sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic health markers

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Sep 08, 2019

Edwardson CL, Henson J, Biddle SJH, et al. - In this investigation involving 1,457 participants, researchers ascertained if associations between sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic health differ when evaluated by thigh-worn and waist-worn accelerometry. Participants from several areas in the United Kingdom were recruited. Using the activPAL, worn on the thigh, and ActiGraph, worn on the waist, sedentary behavior was evaluated. Linear regression analysis investigated the relationships with cardiometabolic health. According to findings, activPAL and ActiGraph sedentary variables were moderately correlated. However, all variables were significantly distinct from each other. Findings indicated that relationships with cardiometabolic health may be largely similar across the two common sedentary behavior assessments, but for certain health markers, some small differences may exist. No other associations were noted for any other health marker for either device.

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