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Achievement of glycaemic control is associated with improvements in lipid profile with iGlarLixi vs iGlar: A post hoc analysis of the LixiLan-L trial

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Aug 25, 2019

Giorgino F, et al. - In patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) uncontrolled on basal insulin, researchers studied the impact of iGlarLixi (insulin glargine U100 [iGlar] and lixisenatide) vs iGlar on lipid profiles. LixiLan-L data were utilized to estimate changes in fasting lipid levels from baseline to week 30, overall and in patients stratified by achievement of glycemic targets (2-hour postprandial glucose [≤ 10, > 10 mmol/L], fasting plasma glucose [≤ 6.1, > 6.1 mmol/L], HbA1c [≤ 7, > 7% (≤ 53, > 53 mmol/mol)]). According to results, all lipid parameters—except for HDL cholesterol—improved with iGlarLixi but not with iGlar in patient subgroups achieving glycemic targets. Overall, the authors concluded that patients with T2D uncontrolled on basal insulin exhibited improved fasting lipid profiles with iGlarLixi vs iGlar, especially when achieving glycemic targets.

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