Acetate-free, citrate-acidified bicarbonate dialysis improves serum calcification propensity: A preliminary study
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Nov 07, 2018
Lorenz G, et al. - Researchers determined the impact of a 3-month switch to acetate-free, citrate-acidified, standard bicarbonate hemodialysis (HD; CiaHD) on calcification propensity in 78 prevalent European patients with HD by using a novel in vitro test (T50 test) that assesses ex vivo serum calcification propensity and predicts mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease and HD. Before and 3 months after CiaHD in patients with HD, T50 values were assessed in paired midweek pre-dialysis sera. In all, 44 were then switched back to acetate. Using partial correlation, associations of changing T50 and changing covariates were analyzed. Findings revealed a favorable impact of CiaHD dialysis on calcification propensity as measured by the T50 test.
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