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Acetaminophen as a renoprotective adjunctive treatment in patients with severe and moderately severe falciparum malaria: A randomized, controlled, open-label trial

Clinical Infectious Diseases Sep 19, 2018

Plewes K, et al. - In this proof-of-principle study, researchers investigated the renoprotective effects of acetaminophen in severe malaria. They conducted this phase 2, open-label, randomized controlled trial at two hospitals in Bangladesh, randomizing 62 febrile patients (>12 years) with severe falciparum malaria to receive acetaminophen (1 g 6–hourly for 72 hours; n = 31) or no acetaminophen (n = 31), in addition to intravenous artesunate. After 72 hours, median reduction in creatinine was 23% (37% to 18%) in patients receiving acetaminophen, vs 14% (29% to 0%) in patients who didn’t. Outcomes thus suggest that acetaminophen has renoprotective effects without evidence of safety concerns in these patients, especially in those with prominent intravascular hemolysis.

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