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Acetabular retroversion is a risk factor for less optimal outcome after femoroacetabular impingement surgery

Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 01, 2019

Vahedi H, et al. - Between 2007 and 2015, researchers analyzed 51 candidates to assess the consequence of mini-open femoroacetabular osteoplasty(FAO) in subjects with acetabular retroversion vs subjects without acetabular retroversion with a mean age in the retroversion cohort, 27.4±9.5 years vs 34.5 ±11.2 years in the control. They found significantly lower mean mHHS and SF-36 in the retroversion group(75.4 and 76.5) as compared to the control(83.4 and 85.6) at the latest follow-up. They also noted the failure percentage among retroversion cases (13.7%) vs the control (2.5%). They recorded no incidence of dysplasia and acetabular retroversion among both the groups.
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