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Acetabular ossicles: Epidemiology and Correlation with Femoroacetabular impingement

Arthroscopy Dec 11, 2019

Djaja YP, et al. - For asymptomatic and symptomatic groups, individuals aged 16 to 60 years who underwent abdominal and pelvic CT with non-orthopedic indications in 2016 and who underwent hip arthroscopy surgery from 2010 to 2016, respectively, were involved in this study to examine the predominance, size and location of acetabular ossicles in general population, distinguish between the particular types of acetabular ossicles ie, unfused ossification centers (true os acetabuli), rim fractures, labral calcifications and loose bodies and to ascertain association between acetabular ossicles, and femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) with symptoms. In the general population, the predominance of acetabular ossicles was 3.46% along with a significantly greater pervasiveness of acetabular ossicles discovered in the symptomatic group (8.65% vs 3.33%). Moreover, the size of the acetabular ossicles was significantly related to hip pain. The most prevalent type of acetabular ossicles was labral calcification. Moreover, between rim fracture and FAI, a significant association was observed, however, not with any particular types of FAI.
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