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Acellular dermal matrix and coronally advanced flap or tunnel technique in the treatment of multiple adjacent gingival recessions. A 12-year follow-up from a randomized clinical trial

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Jul 25, 2019

Tavelli L, et al. - In this randomized clinical trial, researchers assessed the long-term results of Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) in the treatment of multiple adjacent gingival recessions (MAGRs) using Coronally Advanced Flap (CAF) or Tunnel technique (TUN). For the 12-year follow-up examination, 19 of the original 24 patients who contributed to a total of 33 sites for CAF and 34 for TUN were available. After 12 years, a substantial relapse was noted in the gingival margin of MAGRs treated with CAF or TUN + ADM.
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