Accuracy of three screening tools for prenatal substance use
Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 28, 2019
Coleman-Cowger VH, et al. - Three screening tools [4P's Plus, NIDA Quick Screen-ASSIST (Modified Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test), and the SURP-P (Substance Use Risk Profile-Pregnancy) scale, and administered reference tests (urine and hair drug testing)] were compared and evaluated for accuracy in identifying illicit drug use and prescription drug misuse among a diverse sample of pregnant women. In this prospective cross-sectional study of 500 pregnant women, researchers identified high sensitivity and negative predictive values of SURP-P and 4P's Plus, making these more ideal screening tests than the NIDA Quick Screen-ASSIST. For prompt and appropriate follow-up and intervention, they identified a clear recommendation for a clinically useful screening tool for prenatal substance use as crucial.
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