Accuracy of clinical breast examination’s abnormalities for breast cancer screening: Cross-sectional study
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Apr 07, 2019
Malmartel A, et al. - Given the divergence in the guidelines for breast cancer screening with clinical breast examination (CBE), researchers sought for the accuracy of abnormalities found during CBE in breast cancer screening. This cross-sectional study included 3218 patients (mean age 55.1 +/-10 years); among these, 713 (22.2%) had an abnormal CBE and 133 (4.1%) had high-risk mammography. Clinical breast examination showed a sensitivity of 36% and specificity of 78%. This work does not support regular CBE in France in view of seemingly low accuracy of CBE for breast cancer screening. They identified a high predictive positive value of nipple discharge, however, it was rarely present.
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