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Accuracy in percutaneous transpedicular screws placement using biplane radioscopy: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Jun 06, 2019

Rasmussen JR, et al. - Via performing this systematic review and descriptive data meta-analysis, the largest review of percutaneous transpedicular screws (PTS) placed with biplane radioscopy (Rx-2D) guidance reported up to date, researchers sought to determine the accuracy in the PTS placement using Rx-2D. The analysis included 27 articles revealing the accuracy as follow, 91.5% (n=7993; 95% CI, 89.3%-93.6%) of the screws were placed purely intrapedicular, and 96.1% (n=8579; 95% CI, 94.0%-98.2%) when deviation from the pedicle was up to 2 mm. Findings thereby establish the safety and reproducibility of the procedure. In this work, the key values obtained set reliable references for both clinical and training outcome assessing.
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