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Access to contraception in local health departments, four Midwest states, 2017–2018

Contraception Mar 17, 2019

Satterwhite CL, et al. - Researchers invited administrators at local health departments (LHDs) located in four Midwest states for participation in an online survey to delineate contraception availability at LHDs. Data on clinic staffing, patient population, receipt of Title X funds, and services provided were collected to assess the proportion of LHDs providing any prescription method of contraception. Furthermore, they assessed healthcare staff training level and other reproductive health services provided as secondary outcomes. Outcomes suggest a rarity of prescription contraception, especially long-acting reversible methods, in local health departments in the Midwest, serving a largely rural population. They observed limited access to comprehensive contraceptive services for women residing in settings without broad access to publicly-funded healthcare providers. This study highlights the necessity for efforts to ensure rural access.
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