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Absorbable subcuticular staples vs suture for caesarean section closure: A randomised clinical trial

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 18, 2019

Madsen AM, et al. - Researchers performed a prospective, randomized, non-blinded, parallel-group trial, to compare absorbable subcuticular staples and subcuticular suture for caesarean section skin closure in terms of outcomes of efficiency, safety, patient, and surgeon satisfaction. They stratified 220 patients by prior caesarean section, body mass index, and surgeon level and randomized them to absorbable subcuticular staples or subcuticular suture. As per outcomes, the two methods were not significantly different in terms of total operative times, analgesic use, wound complications, and cosmesis. Furthermore, with both methods, patient and surgeon were highly satisfied.
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