Absolute or relative stability in plate fixation for simple humeral shaft fractures
Injury Aug 14, 2019
van de Wall BJM, Theus C, Link BC, et al. - Researchers compared patients with absolute stability and those with relative stability in simple humeral shaft fractures with regard to fracture healing. All patients treated with plate fixation for AO/OTA type A1-B3 humeral shaft fractures were retrospectively studied. In this retrospective study, they included 30 patients in the relative-stability-group [with either an AO/OTA type A (n = 18) or type B (n = 12) humeral shaft fracture; mean age: 55 (SD 21) years] and 46 patients in the absolute-stability-group [27 patients had a type A and 19 type B fracture; mean age: 45 (SD 19) years]. Relative to relative stability, absolute stability for simple humeral shaft fractures resulted in a significantly shorter time to radiological union. No reduction in fracture healing time was observed with the addition of lag screws to gain interfragmentary compression.
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