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Abnormal N-glycosylation of human lens epithelial cells in type-2 diabetes may contribute to cataract progression

Clinical Ophthalmology Apr 02, 2021

Ramos-Martínez I, Vivanco-Rojas O, Juárez-Domínguez B, et al. - Since glycosylation is related to several mechanisms that induce cataract formation, researchers conducted this experimental study to assess glycosylation patterns in human lens capsules from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and non-diabetic (ND) patients. Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed human lens epithelial cells alterations in T2DM samples. Such findings indicate that over-expression of N-glycosidically linked human type 1 cytokeratin induces capsule disruption and changes selective permeability, allowing the entry of different molecules to the lens that facilitate cataract progression.

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