Abdominal aortic calcification is superior to other arteries calcification in predicting the mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients – A 8 years cohort study
BMC Nephrology Dec 11, 2019
Niu Q, Zhao H, Wu B, et al. - The data of Radiographs (lateral abdominal plain film, frontal pelvic radiograph and both hands radiograph) were obtained in order to evaluate vascular calcification (VC) in various sites using x-ray films, and to examine the predictive impacts of VC at various sites on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in peritoneal dialysis (PD) people. A total of 150 PD individuals were involved. In PD patients, abdominal aortic calcification was more prevalent and was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality and CV mortality. Moreover, the femoral artery calcification also could prognosticate the mortality, although the mortality of PD individuals cannot be prognosticated by the calcification of the iliac artery, radial artery, and finger arteries.
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