A variant in the NEDD4L gene associates with hypertension in chronic kidney disease in the southeastern Han Chinese population
American Journal of Hypertension Feb 05, 2020
Zhang J, Gong WY, Liu M, et al. - Researchers sought to determine the correlation between genetic variation in ‘Neuronal precursor cell expressed developmentally down-regulated 4-like’ (NEDD4L: a candidate gene for hypertension) and hypertension with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the southeastern Han Chinese population. In 623 recruited CKD patients, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was done, and the rs4149601 and rs2288774 polymorphisms in NEDD4L were genotyped using qPCR. In a recessive model (GG+GA vs AA), hypertension groups exhibited all higher frequency of the AA genotype of rs4149601 than the normotensive groups. The AA genotype of rs4149601 was thus suggested to be correlated with hypertension in CKD. Consequently, for hypertension with CKD, the rs4149601 A allele is possibly a risk factor.
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