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A ten-year retrospective study investigating the rate of venous thromboembolism in patients who require immobilization in a total contact lower limb cast

The Bone & Joint Journal Jun 07, 2019

Tonge XN, et al. - The rate of symptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE) were assessed in a retrospective case series of patients treated with a lower limb cast. Considering the complex, heterogeneous nature of this group of patients, with many risk factors for VTE, researchers assumed a higher rate of VTE in these patients vs the general population. Using plaster room records, they identified 136 episodes of casting in 100 patients. These patients displayed a higher frequency of VTE than that of the general population (0.05%). The patients’ apparent increase in VTE risk as suggested by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence seemed attributing to the higher risk. Despite the essentiality for assessing the risks of VTE, routine thromboprophylaxis is not indicated in patients who undergo immobilization of the lower limb in a cast. The cast itself does not pose an increased risk, however, other pathologies, such as active cancer, emphasize the significance of considering each individual on their merit.
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