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A study to compare the birth outcomes of infants conceived by intravaginal culture using the INVOcell device and conventional in vitro fertilization in traditional incubators

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Kaye M, et al. - Birth outcomes of infants conceived by intravaginal culture (IVC) of oocytes and embryos using the INVOcell device were compared to outcomes of infants conceived by conventional in vitro fertilization in traditional incubators, in this retrospective cohort study carried out in a single-center private practice setting. They age-matched all patients who underwent delivery of a viable infant as a result of conception with IVC to controls who underwent conventional in vitro fertilization with fresh transfer (IVF) or frozen transfer (FET) during the same time period. They identified 19 infants conceived via IVC and delivered during 2016-2018. IVC conceived infants and infants conceived by conventional IVF after fresh transfer were similar regarding the birthweight and gestational age at delivery. However, infants born after FET vs infants born after IVC were significantly heavier.
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