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A single summative global scale of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors: Findings from project EAT, a 15-year longitudinal population-based study

Eating Behaviours Aug 20, 2020

Yoon C, Simone M, Mason SM, et al. - Using disordered eating attitudes and behaviors that had a tendency to interrelate, researchers developed the Project EAT Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors (DEAB) scale. They then assessed if the scale was appropriate by appraising the fit (ie, how well a single latent factor fits a set of interrelated disordered eating attitudes and behaviors) and the convergent validity over time. In a longitudinal cohort (Project EAT) of 1,492 children aged 11 to 18 years (in 1998-1999), assessment of the five disordered eating attitudes and behaviors revealed their existence on a single dimension. In line with their hypothesis, lower body satisfaction and self-esteem, and greater depressive symptoms and BMI were linked with greater vs fewer number of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors. Findings support the stability and psychometrical validity of unidimensional DEAB scale. Among population-based groups of adolescents, the severity of disordered eating attitudes and behaviors may be assessed with the DEAB scale.

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