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A single-institution study of concordance of pathological diagnoses for interstitial lung diseases between pre-transplantation surgical lung biopsies and lung explants

BMC Pulmonary Medicine Jan 27, 2019

Panchabhai TS, et al. - In this retrospective review, researchers used the lung transplant database at Cleveland Clinic [01/01/2006–12/31/2013] to compare diagnoses made by pre-transplant surgical lung biopsy (SLB) and the final pathologic diagnosis of the explanted pathology (EP), to ultimately determine the factors that could influence pathologic diagnoses in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). According to data, 217 of 389 patients transplanted for ILD had an SLB before transplant. They found that in 190 patients and 4 other diagnoses, pathological diagnoses were concordant. In most patients, SLB prior to lung transplant offered an accurate pathologic diagnosis of ILD but could be misleading in a small subset of patients. A sampling error, or perhaps, an increased time from the date of the SLB to transplant were suggested to be responsible for the majority of discordant cases that were reclassified as usual interstitial pneumonia.
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