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A retrospective study on the use of dose-dependent letrozole to decrease cancer recurrence and adverse events in patients undergoing ovarian stimulation

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Harjee R, et al. - Researchers sought for the optimal letrozole dose for suppressing estradiol levels during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in cancer patients via performing a retrospective chart review of cancer patients who underwent ovarian stimulation at a private IVF facility from 2014 to 2018. Ovarian stimulation was done with no letrozole (group A, n=10), and adjuvant use of daily letrozole at 5.0 (group B, n=34) and 7.5 mg (group C, n=61). As per outcomes, daily letrozole use during controlled ovarian stimulation did not influence egg yield. Successful reduction in serum estradiol levels with letrozole in a dose-dependent manner was suggested, with lowest levels achieved at 7.5 mg daily. No increase in FSH requirement was noted with the highest letrozole dose which seemed to be related to changes in clinical practice.
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