A retrospective comparative cohort study comparing temporary internal fixation to external fixation at the first stage debridement in the treatment of type IIIB open diaphyseal tibial fractures
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Feb 22, 2019
Fowler TJ, et al. - Researchers retrospectively compared the incidence of deep infection, flap failure, and nonunion after temporary internal fixation (TIF) with temporary external fixation (ex-fix) in the treatment of Gustilo–Anderson type IIIB open tibia fractures in 64 subjects between May 2014 and May 2016. They recorded 4 complications in the ex-fix group: 3 with infection and 1 with nonunion whereas 2 complications were noted in the TIF group (1 infection and 1 flap failure). No significant link was noticed between infection, nonunion, and flap failure and the mode of temporary fixation or other demographic and treatment variables. Hence, they suggested TIF of type IIIB open diaphyseal tibial fractures, a safe option as compared to conventional external fixation.
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