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A retrospective case series of electroconvulsive therapy in the management of comorbid depression and anorexia nervosa

International Journal of Eating Disorders Oct 27, 2019

Shilton T, et al. - In view of the common occurrence of major depressive disorder (MDD) in anorexia nervosa (AN) and its association with worse outcomes and greater suicide risk, researchers sought to describe a case series of 30 female adolescents who were hospitalized at their institution because of AN and had received electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for MDD resistant to treatment and/or with severe suicide risk. From admission to pre-ECT, they reported a significant deterioration in depression, with severe suicidality and with concomitant improvement in eating disorder (ED) symptoms and increase in BMI. Following ECT, they observed significant improvement in depressive and ED symptoms and increase in BMI, which continued to discharge. Outcomes support that in AN with severe comorbid treatment-resistant MDD and/or with increased suicide risk, ECT is safe and well-tolerated. Remission was reported in many AN patients undergoing ECT at long-term follow-up.
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