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A retrospective analysis of dental implant survival in HIV patients

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Feb 05, 2019

Sabbah A, et al. - Researchers analyzed 484 implants placed in HIV (+) subjects and 805 implants placed in HIV (-) cases between 2006 and 2015 in this 5 years retrospective cohort survival study to compare the failure rates of dental implants in relation to several risk factors. They estimated the impacts of age, smoking status, diabetes, restoration status, gender, implant type, placement site, hepatitis C status, baseline CD4 count and CD4%, post placement average CD4%, nadir CD4%, nadir CD4 count and antiviral therapy. They found similar failure rates in implants placed in both the categories of HIV cases. They noted an increment in failure rates in HIV (+) candidates with baseline CD4%≤20, post-placement CD4% average ≤20%, protease inhibitor administration, smoking, and anterior maxillary placement.
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