A randomized controlled trial on the efficiency of free-handed, pilot-drill guided and fully-guided implant surgery in partially edentulous patients
Clinical Oral Implants Research Jan 08, 2019
Younes F, et al. - Researchers examined 33 partially edentulous individuals to estimate the additional financial cost, time spent and efficacy of free-handed (FH), pilot-drill guided (PG) and fully-guided (FG) implant surgery by means of the Apical Global Deviation (AGD). They observed FG surgery the most effective one in terms of surgical accuracy and ICER unveiled an additional cost per percent reduction in AGD for both PG and FG surgery. They restored implants with a cement-retained restoration in case of FH surgery. They concluded FG surgery as the most effective and acceptable surgical strategy, even though the absolute operational cost was higher than other procedures since cementation could be eliminated.
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