A randomized controlled trial of Dilapan-S vs Foley balloon for preinduction cervical ripening (DILAFOL trial)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Feb 22, 2019
Saad AF, et al. - Researchers examined the efficacy of Dilapan-S compared to the Foley balloon for preinduction cervical ripening at term. From November 2016 through February 2018, they randomly assigned 419 pregnant women ≥37 weeks scheduled for induction with unfavorable cervix (≤3 cm dilated and ≤60% effaced) to 12 hours of either Foley balloon inflated with 60 mL saline or Dilapan-S for cervical ripening. Outcomes suggest noninferiority of Dilapan-S to the Foley balloon for preinduction cervical ripening at term. Compared to Foley, Dilapan-S was advantageous in terms of Food and Drug Administration approval, safe profile, no protrusion from the introitus, no need to keep under tension, and better patient satisfaction.
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